The last thing I want is anyone screwing this page up. Thanks.


The Vharanazhdzjuli-Khalosvhenćevhanos language (Known as V́aranaźdj́uli-Khalosv́enćev́anos Ûlźĥ’á Aňćĥań natively), or even Vharanian as a shortened version, is the main language of Kherveinar Valosnkavolis, a small country in the caucasus. It has an estimate of 16,834 native speakers and 15 learners. The language evolved from Old Vharanazhdzjuli-Khalosvhenćavhanos around 700 years ago and is spoken around many areas of northern Azerbaijan and in some parts of Dagestan.


Flag of Khjérvẽnńàr-Valosnkavolis

Flag of Kherveinar Valosnkavolis

The first recordings of the V-K language were traced back to 504 BCE in modern-day Sochi, Russia. That being a poem titled "V́khjiđòrdó t’Âlđanĥňođis" (meaning "Winds of Fire"), by poet Áuźléđań Kalhúsos. The language is supposedly named after the king V́à’anaźdj́úlí Nđàklhjiâhj of the Kingdom of Nhalasvati, a small kingdom which covered modern-day Abkhazia.

Varients and Dialects across Kherveinar[]

The one you are looking at now is the western dialect of Khjérvẽnńàr-Valosnkavolis. Throughout Khjérvẽnńàr though, lie many dialects, including Northern, Southern, and Eastern. The older varient of V-K is still spoken throughout some northern areas in Kherveinar.


The eastern dialect is very similar to the western dialect. In plurals, the suffix "-svà" becomes "-akhń". The alphabet, most words and the word order remain the same though, aside from some words and phrases. Some of these words / phrases include:

"Hello" - "Khamàrj́źôvàros" becomes "Ňamàźođà"

"Can I have the [object]" - "Kho’ [ńmélćađ] vén ićov natsùrr" becomes "Ŕêđàń [ńmélćađ]"


Northern writing and grammar is incredibly different to the western varient. The northern varient is a much simplified and basic version of the entire language. It removes most of the diacritics from the letters which makes it easier to comprehend, and northern itself is used by V-K learners to start them off before they learn the western varient. It also follows the SVO order like English for learners and the public to understand it better, rather than OSV.

Northern Varient Letters
Letters VH Z ZH

Example words include:

"Khamàrj́źôvàros" ("Hello") becomes "Qamarjzhyovarros"

"Hnakđinhiros" ("Goodbye" [Fr]) becomes "Nakthinhiros" (Silent letters are removed from words in the northern varient)

"H’gzáň tv́é iźòn?" ("How are you?") becomes "Tvhei izhorn haing?"


In the southern varient, there are less sounds than the western varient. The L, R and Ŕ sounds of the western varient combine to make the /ɻ/ sound which is represented by the letter L, the J́ and Ź combine to make the /dʒ/ sound which is represented by the letter Dź, and the S and Z letters are combined to make the /z/ sound, and it is simply represented by the letter Z. In addition, the É and Á letters have swapped sounds.



Labial Alveolar Post-alveolar Retroflex Palatal Velar
Nasal m n ń ň
Plosive p b d t k kh g
Fricative v́ v f s z ś ź
Affricate c ć
Trill ŕ


Front Central Back
Close i í u ú
Close-mid ù ó ô
Mid e ò
Open-Mid è ê o
Open a á â à


· Gz = Makes a "H" sound

· J́ź = Makes a "ʁ" sound

· Ĥđ = makes a "ʀ̥" sound

· Gć = makes a "ɡɣ" sound

· Éè = makes an "ɤ" sound

Writing System[]

The V-K alphabet consists of 45 letters, making it the second longest Latin alphabet. The first being the Slovak alphabet.

Letter A Á À Â B C Ć D Ð E É È Ê F G H Ĥ I Í J K Kh L M N Ń Ň O Ó Ò Ô P R Ŕ S Ś Ŝ T U Ú Ù Û V Z Ź
Sound a ɐ ɑ ja b ts t̠ʃ d ð ə æ ɛ f g h i ʏ ʝ k kx l m n ɲ ŋ ɔ ɵ jo p ɹ r s ʃ ɕ t u ɯ ɘ ju v θ z ʒ

A makes the "a" sound in which you see in the word "hat"

Á makes the "i" sound in which you see in the word "hi"

À makes the "a" sound in which you see in the word "father"

 makes the "ya" sound in which you see in the word "yap"

B makes the "b" sound in which you see in the word "ball"

C makes the "ts" sound in which you hear in the word "pizza"

Ć makes the "ch" sound in which you see in the word "chips"

D makes the "d" sound in which you see in the word "dead"

Ð makes the "th" sound in which you see in the word "the"

E makes the "e" sound in which you see in the word "other"

É makes the "ay" sound in which you see in the word "hay"

È makes the "e" sound in which you see in the word "egg"

Ê makes the "ye" sound in which you see in the word "yes"

F makes the "f" sound in which you see in the word "flap"

G makes the "g" sound in which you see in the word "grab"

H makes the "h" sound in which you see in the word "hello"

Ĥ makes no appearence in English, but it does in many other languages such as Russian, where it is represented as "Х", and Greek, where it is represented by "χ".

I makes the "e" sound in which you see in the word "me"

Í makes the "i" sound in which you see in the word "ignite"

J makes the "y" sound in which you see in the word "yacht"

J́ makes the "j" sound in which you see in the word "jam"

K makes the "k" sound in which you see in the word "kick"

Kh is the same as "k" but slightly more harsher on the sound

L makes the "l" sound in which you see in the word "light"

M makes the "m" sound in which you see in the word "mister"

N makes the "n" sound in which you see in the word "nice"

Ń makes the "n" sound in which you see in the word "new"

Ň makes the "ng" sound in which you see in the word "swimming"

O makes the "o" sound in which you see in the word "pop"

Ó makes the "oy" sound in which you see in the word "boy"

Ò makes the "or" sound in which you see in the word "bore"

Ô makes the "yo" sound in which you see in the word "yogurt"

P makes the "p" sound in which you see in the word "penny"

R makes the "r" sound in which you see in the word "red"

Ŕ is the "r" sound but trilled

S makes the "s" sound in which you see in the word "snake"

Ś makes the "sh" sound in which you see in the word "shut"

Ŝ makes the "sch" sound in which you see in the word "schmoe"

T makes the "t" sound in which you see in the word "tall"

U makes the "u" sound in which you see in the word "under"

Ú makes the "ue" sound in which you see in the word "blue"

Ù makes the "er" sound in which you see in the word "sweater"

Û makes the "yu" sound in which you see in the word "yule"

V makes the "v" sound in which you see in the word "vent"

V́ makes the "th" sound in which you see in the word "three"

Z makes the "z" sound in which you see in the word "zebra"

Ź makes the "z" sound in which you see in the word "azure"

Unofficial Letters which appear in some words[]

C̀ makes the "Qu" sound in the word "Queue"

Ẽ makes the "are" sound in the word "Care"

Ǵ makes the "Y" sound in the word "Yes"

G̀ makes the "H" sound in the word "Hair" -- Proposed to replace the dipthong "Gz"

Ũ makes the "W" sound in the word "Water"

Ŧ makes the "Dg" sound in the word "Bridge"

Example Sentences[]

Basic Phrases[]

Khamàrj́źôvàros = Hello

Hnakđinhiros = Goodbye (Fr)

Ðinhiros = Goodbye (Inf)

H’gzáň tv́é iźòn? = How are you?

H’gzáň ićov khv́o = I'm fine

Declaration of Human Rights

· Ńáŝ v́òrŕon kj’ nv́éstàśźen o’lj ev́ĥanàźśé kj’ bavánussvà mnaŝ ùlénoźóh tv́é. Khjiásňéđadsvà ňćà đavanćé kj’ ĥáv́ńosźà kj’ ĥiźalđà khén gzonv́es anćaliđik o’lj ań nfaćati t’v́akhérdzà tv́é khamń.

· All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.


this is just incase you can't scroll across to see the other letters :)



· Ićov = I

· Iźòn = You (Singluar)

· Ĥá’aŝ = You (Plural)

· Alav́ = They / Them (Singular)

· Naŝkhiń = They / Them (Plural)

· Khji = Me / My / Myself (For it to become My / Myself, add "T’" to the front of it.)

· Oź = We

· Kho’ = The

· Mnaŝ = All

· Ań = A


· Khé = Will / Would

· Âđà = Can / Could

· Ĥiźalđà = Shall / Should

· Tvánĥ = May / Might


· Kj’ = And

· Ńđá = Or

· Kholv́ = If

· Aň = So

· Tzà’ = But

· Ôkhń = For

· V́akhniń = Whether



The language follows the OSV (Object-Subject-Verb) order, meaning a sentence like "Birds can fly" ("Ňésv âđà ój́ń") would be turned into "Fly birds can" ("Ój́ń ňésv âđà"). Words like "t’" ("of") or "kho’" ("the") have no exception to this.

Singular and Plural[]

Plurals in V-K vary on what the last letter of a word was.

For words ending with "v", you must replace the "v" with "źóh". For example, "T’Khij Ňésv" ("My Bird") would become "T’Khij Ňésźóh" ("My Birds")

For words ending in "kh", you must replace the "kh" with "sov". For example, "T’Khij Èmanekh" ("My Plant") would become "T'Khij Èmanesov" ("My Plants")

For any other words aside words ending with "v" or "kh", add on "svà". For example, "Kho’ Káv́uc" ("The Dog") becomes "Kho’ Káv́usvà" ("The Dogs")


V-K Word Meanings Structure Meaning
T'Khij Ňésv T’ - Of

Khij - My

Ňésv - Bird

OfMy-Bird My bird.
Kholv́ ńňéslev́ kho’ c̀-laćal Kholv́ - If

Ńňéslev́ - Closed

Kho’ - The

C̀ - [Past tense letter, representing "was"]

Laćal - Road

If-Closed-The-[Past]-Road If the road was closed.
Alav́ c̀-ĥnaŝà ŕénuś kho’ lań pélusnínaćalakav́ né bérakh j́ègzanaś c̀-déranakù’. Alav́ - They / Person

C̀ - [Was]

Ĥnaŝà - Walk

Ŕénuś - Down

Kho’ - The

Lań - Street

Pélusnínaćalakav́ - Shop open

Né - No

Bérakh - Only

J́ègzanaś - Find

C̀ - [Was]

Déranakù’ - There

Person-[Was]-Walk-Down-The-Street-ShopOpen-No-Only-Find-Was-There He walked down the street, only to find there was no shops open.