



Basic Grammar[]


The Voelen alphabet consists of 34 letters, although [c], [j] and [w] are used very rarely, usually in loan words.

a ä b c ć d e ë f g h ı j k l л m n o ö p q r s ś t u ü v w x y z ź


The Voelen alphabet consists of 9 vowel letters. These are a, ä, e, ë, ı, o, ö, u & ü. The letters with diaereses: ä, ö, and ü represent long sounds, whereas ë represents a very short reduced vowel, like the a in about. Whereas the I is officially supposed to be dotless, a dotted I is acceptable when using systems that do not support it.

The pronunciation is as this, with their nearest English equivalent:

  • a - a as in cat.
  • ä - a as in car.
  • e - e as in egg.
  • ë - a as in about.
  • ı - i as in bin, or ea as in bean.
  • o - aw as in raw.
  • ö - there is no direct English equivalent, but is similar to the ir in bird, said with rounded lips.
  • u - u as in put, or (rarely) the o as in wonder.
  • ü - ue as in blue.


There are 25 consonants in the greater alphabet, although two of them (j & w) are not used in regular writing, only in the occasional loanword.

The pronunciations of the 23 regular consonants is as follows, with their nearest English equivalent.

  • b - b as in bin.
  • c - ck as in back.
  • ć - ch as in cheese.
  • d - d as in dog.
  • f - f as in finger, or v as in grave.
  • g - g as in garden.
  • h - h as in hello, or ch as in Scottish loch.
  • k - c as in car.
  • l - l as in lemon.
  • л - no direct English equivalent, but similar to the li in Million.
  • m - m as in mouse.
  • n - n as in nice.
  • p - p as in paper.
  • q - k as in sack, or ty as in the name Katya.
  • r - r as in rice.
  • s - s as in six.
  • ś - sh as in ash.
  • t - t as in tap, or d as in bad.
  • v - v as in van.
  • x - x as in six.
  • y - y as in yes.
  • z - z as in zebra.
  • ź - s as in pleasure.

The letter [c] is used so infrequently in native words that it is sometimes left out of the greater alphabet with [j] and [w].


Nouns in Voelen come in pure, indefinite or definite forms, and in plural or singular. As such, there is no need for the indefinite or definite articles (such as a and the in English).

Indefinite & Definite[]

To write a noun in its indefinite form, you add the suffix -är to its pure form. For example, the noun öleл in its pure form means "table". However, when you add -är to the end of it, it becomes öleлär, meaning "a table".

To write a noun in its definite form (English "the"), you add the suffix -van to its pure form. Take the noun öleл again for example, in its pure form means "table", but adding the suffix -van to the end of it, it becomes öleлvan meaning "the table".


To make a singular noun into a plural, you add -n or -en to the end of the noun. For example, öleл means "table", and "öleлen" means "tables". As said above, to write a noun in it's definite form, you add the suffix -van, this is the same for plurals. So "öleлen" (tables) becomes "öleлenvan" (the tables). Though this can seem very confusing at first, it is actually fairly simple. All nouns follow this rule.


If you want to demonstrate possession, you add a suffix to the end of the possessor's name. For words ending in a vowel, you add the suffix -tot, and for words ending in a consonant, you add the suffix -ot. So for example: "yot öleл" means "my table", and "Janetot öleл" means "Jane's table".


Adjectives in Voelen come several forms, for example take kıläl meaning "ugly". The Voelen equivalent to "is" is -ur, a suffix added to the end of the noun the adjective is describing. So for example, "he is ugly" is written as hur kıläl, "the table is nice" is written öleлvanur bınal.

However, if you wanted to write "the nice table", the situation is completely different. The noun comes first: "öleлvan" meaning "the table", then the connective word "y", and finally the adjective "bınal". So the complete sentence is "öleлvan y bınal" "the nice table".

To exaggerate an adjective (the equivalent to changing "ugly" to "uglier"), you add the suffix -öz, so uglier is written kılälöz. To write it in its superlative, ("ugly" to "ugliest"), you add the suffix -güś, so "ugliest" is written kılälgüś.

The equivalent of English "very" is added as a suffix in Voelen, -ötox, so "very ugly" is written kılälötox.


Verbs are written in several forms, however the suffixes added are similar (in use, not appearance) to those in English. If the word ends in a vowel, the final vowel is dropped and replaced with the suffix, if it ends in a consonant, the suffix is added as it is. Take the verb vözvë meaning "ask".

  • Adding the suffix -al (and dropping the final vowel) moves it into the past tense, so vözval means "asked".
  • Adding the suffix -ul (and dropping the final vowel) moves it into an infinitive, so vözvul means "asks".
  • Adding the suffix -uıı (and dropping the final vowel) changes it into the present tense, so vözvuıı means "asking".
  • Adding the suffix -el (and dropping the final vowel) moves it into the future tense, so vözvel means "will ask".


a ä b c ć d e ë f g h ı j k l л m n o ö p q r s ś t u ü v w x y z ź

  • ävaq with
  • ban in
  • domıqılän equal
  • domıqılänśuлë equality pl.domıqılänśuлen def.domıqılänśuлëvan indef.domıqılänśuлär
  • dosuлuı right (entitlement) pl.dosuлuın [see also: pır]
  • they, them
  • gur they are [see also: gë]
  • gyot theirs
  • ırıskäpë free (not trapped, not in captivity)
  • karaul reason (noun) pl.karaulen
  • kıraul to reason (adj.)
  • konśent conscious
  • konśentsë conscience pl.konśentsen
  • köörл should
  • mesaul to endow, to give money
  • mesaulmesq endowment pl.mesaulmesqen
  • nılë human, person, human being pl.nılen
  • nolaul birth pl.nolaulen
  • nuxävaq without [nux no, not + ävaq with]
  • nuxkonśent unconscious
  • nuxköörл should not
  • ośıq and (see also: ut)
  • pır right (entitlement) pl.pıren [see also: dosuлuı]
  • qau what? (interrogative)
  • rınguäлun to act (adj.)
  • rınguäлunav act (noun) pl.rınguäлunaven
  • totalë all, in total



Excuse me because I asking you for my demand (numbers from your conlang(s)) in this page. I think to send my message on your e-mail. But nowhere I didn't see information about your e-mail.

First introduce: My name is Janko. I'm collecting numbers from various systems in different languages.

You can found information about my self and my work on:

Please you tell me if you'll have numbers in Voelen, or from your others conlang(s) in future! Could you please send me numbers from 1 to 10 (as in English: 1 –one, 2 – two, 3 – three,…) in Voelen on this page or my e-mail address:

Please you delete my text with your thread when I'll have numbers.

Thank you for your help!

I wish you a lot of success at your work!


Example text[]

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 1)[]

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Totaлë nılenur nolaulal ırıskäpë ośıq domıqılän ban domäleq ośıq pıren. Gur mesaulal ävaq kıraul ośıq konśentsë ośıq köörл rınguäлun perıımı eroläś ban opıänär där fretkaumë.

The Lord's Prayer[]

Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins As we forgive our own debtors. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, The power, and the glory are yours, forever. Amen.

Nyur pvetrë ban hevranë, Haлal ebv vyot nämë, Vyot royamë akлest, Vyot ebv dvedel, äv gaıa del ban hevranë. Täg në azaräzyë nyot pannaś y zyeлeq. Arıdśkë në nyot värśen Del në arıdśkë në śen pvedaur. Ośıq denneıë në nux ban pınıt temptatśćon, Dann deźınq në pentrë galgë. Pär royamvan, Korrvan, ośıq pärbvanur vyot, etöneл. Amen.
