parts of the speech
aj adjective
av adverb
cj conjunctions
cop copula
dem demostrative
ij interjection
n noun
num numeral
pcl particle
pfx prefix
pn pronoun
prp preposition
sfx suffix
v verb
languages and etymologies
Croat Croatian
D Dutch
E English
E-o Esperanto
Fr French
G German
Gk Greek
ISV International Scientific Vocabulary
It Italian
J Japanese
L Latin
OE Old English
OHG Olg High German
OV Old Vorlin (1991-1993)
Pt Protuguese
Rus Russian
Sp Spanish
Sw Sweddish
a.p. a priori
< derived from

common nouns[]


root gramar
etim meaning
a sfx [adjectival; denotes ordinal when attached to a numeral]
aj sfx [denotes a concrete manifestation or a single iteration of X]
*ak nfx [sudden/brief + intensive/notewothy aspect]
aks nfx [converts a transitive verb to a causative verb]
*ax sfx E-o: -aĉ- < It [pejorative/humble]


root gramar
etim meaning
bab n gate (a door installed in a fence or roofless enclosure)
bac n bacterium
baca aj bacterial
bad {D,G,Sw} bathing (immersing X in liquid to cleanse/change it)
bado vt bathe
bak num Cantonese hundred [V95: hun]
*bak n E: bake, G: backen baking
*bako bake
bal n E, G, D: ball ball (spheroid plaything)
balon n balloon
bam n bomb (explosive weapon)
ban n G: Bahn, Norsk: bane route, course, track, way (path)
banan n banana
bar n G: Bart, It, Sp: barba beard [V95: ceg]
bas n D: baas, E: boss chief (boss), leader, foreman
bat n west (the western area or direction)
*bat n E bat (ball-hitting tool), stick (hockey), racket (tennis)
baz n base (in chemistry), alkalai
bazar n Ukrainian, many others bazaar, open outdoor market
baµ n C ball-hitting tool (e.g. baseball bat; hockey stick)
*be pcl [specialized usage flag, v.g.: be lanor means pitcher (in a baseball game)]
beb n the letter b/B
bek n bench (a long board-like seat for several persons)
bel n It: bello beauty
ben n Sw: ben, D: been bone
ber carrying (supporting and transporting something)
bero vt carry
bes n E station, stopping-point, node, base (in baseball)
besbol n baseball (the play-system, not the spheroidal plaything)
beton n concrete (usually portland cement plus sand and gravel)
bev Pt: beber, E: beverage imbibing (any liquid)
bevo vt drink
*bi cop E be (copula; does not mean "exist")
bid OE: bidan, E: bide waiting (for someone/something)
bido vt wait for, await
bil n Sw, Norsk automobile, car
bilar num billion (in American Eng.); milliard (British Eng.)
bim n MidE: beem board, plank, beam (piece of lumber)
bir n E, G, Indo beer
biµ n C army
bod n bottom (the lowest side or portion of something)
bog n bow (for archery/violin)
bol n system of competitive athletic activity involving a ball
bom n G: Baum, D: boom tree
*bon n L: bonitas goodness, niceness, desirability, pleasantness [nowaday: gut]
*bona aj good
*bone av well
bor n Norsk drilling, boring into something
*bot n Lojban: botpi botlle, flask
botel n bottle, flask
bov n E-o: bovo, E: bovine cattle, cow or bull
buc n Fr: bouche mouth
buca aj oral
bug OE: bugan bending something
buk n Sw, Norsk: bok; G: Buch book
bul n combustion, burning
buli vi burn [intransitive]
bulikso vt burn (cause to burn)
bun n J: bun, bubun; Chi: bu part, portion
bur n Sanskrit: purim, L: urbs city
bura aj urban
burbas n mayor
butik n store (for shopping in), shop, boutique


root gramar
etim meaning
*ca dem Fr: chaque every, each
cad adding, addition
cag n G: Schlag blow (impact), stroke (of force), shock
can n Chi: shan mountain
ce av contraction of 'cine' now, presently
*ce pcl [causee tag (used in conjunction with -ok- causatives), nowaday re]
ced n shadow
cef n Fr: chef chiefness (most-important-ness), primacy
cefbur n capital
cefe av primarily, mainly
*ceg n Norsk: skjegg, Old Norse: skegg beard [nowaday: bar]
cek n Fr cheque (bank-draft)
cel n E shell (natural hard outer covering)
cen n Chi: shen1-ti3 body
cena aj physical (as opposed to mental), bodily
cep n beginning, commencement, inception [intransitive]
cev n Fr: cheval horse
cik n Lojban: cikna awakeness
cika aj awake
ciki vn be awake
cikikso vt wake someone up
cikepi vn wake up (become awake)
cim n J: shima island
cin n Chi: jin1 present (the present time)
*cip n E sheep
cir n circle
civ n Norsk: skive disk, disc
cuc n the letter c/C
cud n D: schudden shaking, shuddering [intransitive]
cuk n OV Chi: qiu1 autumn, fall (the season)
cuka aj autumnal
cul n Norsk: skyld, D: schuld, Sp: culpabilitad guilt
cum n communication
cup n OV excellence, superlative condition


root gramar
etim meaning
da da [relative clause terminator]
dad n D: daad, G: Tat act / action, deed, feat
dag n tag daytime (dawn to dusk)
daga aj diurnal
dak n D: dak, G: Dach, Sw: tak roof
dal n D: dal, G: Tal valley
dan n group (several items having a unifying relationship)
*dan cj Chi: dan4 but, however
das das [nominalized phrase terminator]
dat n information, data
de pr contraction of desu from (= desu)
deb n debt
debo v owe
ded n the letter d/D
dek num Gk: deka ten, 10
del assignment / assigning (tasks/blame)
dem n Gk: demos people (a folk), public, populace
den n lightning
denson n thunder
der n Turkish: deri, E: epidermis skin
des L: de, ex leaving, departure from ...
deso leave (go away from), depart
desu prp from
desit n source (place from which something departs)
dev Pt: dever should-ness (advisability of action)
devo vt should, ought to
*di pn it
dif difference (differing from, being different than)
dife av OV differently
dik n D, Ice, G thickness (dimension rather than density)
dil n Turkish tongue (does not mean "language")
*din n G: Ding thing [nowaday: diµ]
dit n It: dito digit (finger/thumb/toe, does not mean "numeral")
diµ n G thing (any tangible/physical object/substance)
dok n speedwords document
dol n OV pain
dor D: door permeating, going throughout X
doro v permeate (a space), last (occupy the entire time-span of ...)
doru prp throughout (permeating the entirety of ...)
dub L: dubium, E: dubious doubting
duc n Fr: douche, G: Dusche shower
duk L: ducere, E: conduct, induct guidance, leading
dul pr done to (points out "patient" of verb; opposite of 'par')
dum thinking about X, or having the thought specified as 'ke X'
dun n D thinness, slenderness
*dun n Cantonese: dung east / the East [nowaday: duµ]
dup n E duplication
dupaj n copy (a copy of something)
dupo duplicate, make copies of X
dur n E: endure, duration continuation [intransitive]
dus num L: duo, Sp: dos, Fr: deux, E: deuce two, 2
duskere av twice
dut n Rus: dut' blowing (sending forth a current of gas) [V95 xiduto: suck]
duµ n east (the eastern area/direction)


root gramar
etim meaning
e sfx OV < E-o [suffix converts noun to adverb]
*el sfx tool, implement (any kind of tool/device)
ep nfx [commencative/inchoative aspect]
es es [possessive particle]
*et sfx [diminutive/attenuative aspect]
*ev nfx [perfective aspect]
*ez sfx [honorific/exaltative]


root gramar
etim meaning
fac n L: facies, E: face, facial face (front of head including eyes, nose, and mouth)
*fag n ISV: -phage, e.g. bacteriophage eating, ingestion
faj eating, ingestion
fak n G compartment, pigeonhole, locker, cell (of prison), etc
fal n downward motion (resulting from gravity)
fali vi fall, descend
famil n G: Familie, Sp: familia family
*fan n Norsk: fange, G: fangen capture
*fano v catch (capture)
far G: fahren riding (sitting on/in X while it transports one)
faro v ride (to sit in/on X and move from place to place)
fatik n physical sensation of weariness, tiredness, fatigue
faz n stage or step (in a multi-step cyclical process), phase
faµ G capturing, catching
fe av ¿contraction of? fute will (in the future)
feber n Norsk:feber, E: febrifuge fever
fek n E: fecal feces, dung, manure, poop, crap, ordure
fel n field (unbroken expanse / area where effect is present)
fem n/pfx female
fembov n cow
femsib n sister
fen n L: ventus, Chi: feng wind
fer n L: ferrum, E: ferrous iron
fes n L: festivus festivity, party (celebration)
fet n G: Fett fat, lard, blubber
fic n E fish
fid trusting
fik copulation, having sexual intercourse with X
fil E:-philia liking (deriving pleasure from), enjoyment of...
fin n Sp, Fr: fin ending, finish, conclusion[intransitive]
fio ij "disregard my previous sentence; I meant to say/write:"
fir num Dan: fire, G: vier four, 4
fis n Glosa: fisi crack, fissure
fob Gk: phob-, E: phobia fear, being afraid of X
fol n G: voll fullness, being totally filled
fom n shape, form (contours and proportions)
for pr V98 before (prior to), earlier than
*for n L: formo form, shape
fos n L: fossio digging
fot n foot (on end of leg)
*fot n G: Foto photograph
*fotel n camera
fra title Ms., Miss, Mrs.
fuf n the letter f/F
fug exiting, going out of (after being in)
fugu prp OE: fugel, Dan: fugl, E: fowl out of
ful n bird (vertebrate egg-laying animal with wings)
fum n Romanian smoke
*fun n Novial: funde bottom
fut n future (that which happens after X moment), post-
futa aj future, pending, subsequent
fute av will will (in the future), shall (will do/happen/be) [fute gives fe]
futu prp after (in the future of ...)


root gramar
etim meaning
*gab n G: Gabelung forking, bifurcation
*gabel n fork
gal equalling, being equivalent in value or significance to X
*gal pcl [direct object tag; used when required by unusual syntax]
galo vt equal (be equivalent to)
gam av to the same degree
gan n Bengali song, singing
gani v sing
gas n G, E, It: gas gas (shapeless fluid tending to expand indefinitely)
gavan n harbor, port, haven
ge pr Chi: gei3 [beneficiary / dative / indir.obj. tag]
geg n the letter g/G
gel n G: gelb, D: geel, It: giallo yellow color
gem n E game (a rule-governed amusement)
*gen n E: generate, genesis creating / creation, making
gev giving (causing X to have Y)
gig num ISV: giga billion (10^9)
gil n Korean: gil street, road
*gin n E: green, G: grün yellow color
gis D guess, conjecture
goc n Fr: gauche left-hand side or direction
gon n E: -gon in polygon, hexagon etc angle, corner
gor n E, G: Gold + Sp, It: oro, Fr: or gold (the metal)
gov n government
gum n Croat, Czech: guma, G: Gummi rubber
gur n OV Chi: gu3 grain(s), cereal crops
gut n goodness (a vague term of pleasantness or desirability)


root gramar
etim meaning
*hac n Persian: hasht, J: hachi eight, 8 [nowaday: hog]
*hag n Gk: hagios, E: hagi-, hagiology sacredness, sanctity
haga aj holy
*hak n D: haak, G: Haken hook
haj n existence
hak creating, creation (causing X to exist)
hal n E: in-/ex-hale, L: halare breath, respiration
han n/pfx a male individual of any species [V95 vir]
hansib n brother
har n Afrikaans, Dutch, German: haar hair
has G: Hass hatred
haso vt hate, loathe
hat OV possession (legal ownership)
*hat n Turkish line, mark
hav having, being furnished with
hec n the letter e/E
heder n ivy
hef n G: Hefe yeast
hel E: help, G: helfen assistance, helping
hem num half
*hem n E: hemo-, Gk: haimo- blood
her title Mister, Mr., sir
het n Gk: heteros other one, another
hez n pause, hesitation (temporary suspension of action)
*hi pcl less (lesser degree/smaller amount)
hib L: inhibere inhibition, holding back
hibo v restrain, constrain, inhibit
hiber n winter (coldest season)
*hin pcl *hi <=, merely, no more than, ... and previous
his perception, detecting via physical sensation
hit n E heat (hotness)
ho ij oh! (denotes any sudden feeling)
*ho pcl more (greater degree/larger amount)
hob n cessation, stopping [intransitive]
hoc n the letter o/O
hof G: Hoffnung hope
hog num eight
hok n highness (as opposed to lowness), ¿height?
hol n Gk: holos wholeness, completeness
hole n entirely
hom n E-o: homo person, human being [archaic; changed to 'jin']
hor n Sp: hora, E: horology hour (1/24 of a day)
hov n firm removable protective artificial cover
*hoz n Hose pants, trousers, slacks
huk n squatting (body position)
hul n Dan: hul, Norsk: hull hole
*hun num E: hundred, G: hundert, Norsk: hundre hundred, 100 [nowaday: bak]
hus n Sw, Dan: hus house (a man-made dwelling-structure)
hutan n Indo forest, woods
huz n the letter h/H
hxc n the letter x/X


root gramar
etim meaning
i sfx [intransitive verb indicator]
ist sfx V92 professional/habitual do-er, -ist
it sfx that which is -ed [passive participle - substantive]
ita sfx -ed [passive participle - adjectival]
ite sfx -edly [passive participle - adverbial]
iz sfx [attenuative aspect; indicates low density / low intensity]
iza sfx [allomorph of 'iz']


root gramar
etim meaning
jej n the letter j/J
jin n J person, human being (any member of "mankind")


root gramar
etim meaning
kabar n Indo news, reports of recent events
kabel n cable (many wires bundled together)
kac Fr: cacher concealment
kaco vt hide, conceal
kad num four
kak n Phrygian: kakoun, Gk: kakos evil-doing, immorality, sin
kal n Sw: kall, Ice: kaldur cold
kamar n Indo room (portion of a building)
kamin n Croat, Rus fireplace, hearth
kan pfx [indicates polar opposite of tagged item]
kanal n canal, channel
kap n It: capo, G: Kopf, E: capital head
kaphov n helmet
kat n E: cat, G: Katze cat (Felis catus)
kav n Croat, Czech: kava coffee
kaz causing, inducing or forcing X to happen
kazit n result (thing which is brought about; that which is caused)
kazo vt cause, make happen, bring about
kazu pr resulting in, so that, having the result that...
ke ke [nominalized phrase initiator]
kec num some (any unspecified greater-than-zero quantity)
ked believing, belief
kedo vt believe ('ke X' is true/false)
kek ij [taboo curse word], heck!, darn it!, shucks!
kemik n chemical (an artificially isolated substance)
ken n knowing (being able to recall and use certain information)
keno vt know
kep competition
kepo vt compete against, vie with
ker n iteration, instance, time(s)
kibun n J feeling, mood
kin n E: kinetic motion (*not* travel from place to place)
kir E: acquire acquisition, getting, obtaining
kis E kissing
kok D: koken cooking / cookery (preparing food using heat)
kol n cabbage
kom arrival, coming to (travel toward a given location)
komit n destination (that which one arrives at)
komu pr to (arriving at)
kor n L: cor, E: coronary heart (blood-pumping muscle)
kso sfx [converts an intransitive verb to a causative verb]
ku pn he/she, him/her [third person sentient]
kub n cube
kuc n Fr: coucher, E-o: kushi reclining
kud OE: cuth, OHG: kund being familiar / acquainted with X
kuhal n alcohol
kuj n V95 Nostratic: kujna dog
kuk n the letter k/K
kuler n Fr: cuiller, Pt: colher spoon
kun ability (to perform a task), capacity (for doing X)
kuno vt can (is able to)
kur n medicine (the art of maintaining + restoring good health)
kus popn his/her


root gramar
etim meaning
lab n Sp: labio, It: labbro, E: labial lip
laba aj labial
lac n the letter a/A
lad n Rus harmony, accord
laf n a.p. liquid
lag n layer
laho vopcl ¿from loha? hello! (initiates a conversation or letter)
lak n lake
lal ij [means "I scoff at the foolishness which I am witnessing"]
lam n paralysis
las G: zulassen permission, authorization
laso vt let, permit, allow
lat n E: lateral, L: latus side, flank
lav Sp, Pt: lavar washing, lavation
le le [foreign term flag]
lec n G: Laecheln smile
leg reading
lek n G: Elektrizitat electricity
lekrif n e-mail message
lel n the letter l/L
ler n G: leer emptiness, vacancy
les av less (in a smaller quantity or degree)
let n Norsk: lett condition of being easy, not difficult
leta aj easy
lev n E: elevate, E-o: levi upward motion
levi vn rise
lib love, affection (familial/romantic)
libo vt love
lic n the letter i/I
lif n leaf (of a plant)
lig n lying (body position), reclining
lik Atakapa: lik- mashing / crushing, smashing (flattening)
lim num five
lin n Lincos: lin language (a culture's communications protocol)
lip n E: leap leap/leaping
liter n ISV liter (unit of volume), litre
liµ n bell
lob G: Lob, loben praise, compliments
loha vopcl Hawaiian: aloha goodbye
loj n Rus: lozh', Croat: lež lie, falsehood, deceit
lok location, the act of being in a certain place
loko vt be located in the same place as
loku pr at (in the same place as)
lom n Croat: lom, Rus: lomat' breakage, fracture
lon n E: long, G: lang length (linear; not temporal)
lop n D: loopen running, rapid locomotion
lor n E: lore science/scientific study, -ology, -istics
los n Norsk: lås lock (device which secures doors etc.)
luc n the letter u/U
lud n L: ludus playing, recreation, amusement
luf n G, D: Luft air
luk n D: luk, Norsk: lykke, G: Glück happiness
lum n L: lumen light (visible energy), illumination
lun n L, Sp, It: luna; E: lunar moon
lunat n lunar month, lunation
luµ n Chi dragon


root gramar
etim meaning
m num [contraction of "men" used in informal situations]
ma sfpcl [interrogative sentence marker]
mad n Sp, It: madre, Czech: matka, Sw: moder mother
mag n magnetism
maj n Fr: image image, picture, illustration
mak n power, strength
mal n badness (a vague term of unpleasantness or undesirability)
mam n breast (mound of flesh culminating in a teat), mammary
man pn [null pronoun; to indicate a quasi-passive]
map n E: map; Sp, Port, Polish, Czech: mapa map, chart, diagram
mar n ocean, sea, marine area
mat n eye
med n accompaniment, togetherness
mede av together
medo vt accompany (be with)
medu pr with (accompanying)
mega pfx 1000000 times the indicated unit of measurement
mej pr Rus: mezhdu between, among, inter-
mek n machine (assemblage of parts designed to transmit motion or energy)
mel n OV honey
melan n Gk: melani ink
mem n memory (recollection/ remembrance/ remembering)
men num more than one; two or more
menku pn they, them
menkus popn their
menti pn you [plural]
mentis popn your [plural]
menya pn we, us
menyas popn our
mer av more (a greater quantity or higher degree)
mes n Gk: mesos, E: meso- middle, center
met L: metiri measurement
metal n G: Metall metal
meter n ISV meter (unit of length), metre
mic G: mischen mixture, blend
mico vt mix
mihon n J sample, specimen, random or representative example
mikan n J mandarin orange, tangerine (Citrus reticulata)
mikro pfx ISV 1) too small to see, 2) divided by one million
milon num million (1,000,000)
mim imitation, mimicry, emulation
mimo vt imitate
minut n minute (1/60 of hour; 1/60 of degree)
mir n ant (insect of family Formicidae)
mis pfx/n error, incorrectness, mis-, mal-
mit L: mittere, E: transmit transmission, causing to go
mito vt send
mob n It: mobilia (a piece of) furniture
sedmob n chair
mod n OV L method, way, manner of doing
mohan n J model to be emulated, exaemplary example
mol n It: molle softness (malleability / yieldfulness)
molekul n Indo molecule
mom n the letter m/M
monat n G month (civil/arbitrary as opposed to lunar)
mor n L: mors, Fr: mort, E: mortality death (dead state)
muc n J: mushi, Czech: hmyz insect
mun n Sp: mundo world
mur n D: muur, Dan, Fr: mur; E: mural wall
mus n Norsk mouse
mut n G: Mut, D: moed courage, bravery
muzik n G music (artificial pleasant sounds; an art-form)


root gramar
etim meaning
nam n name
*nam n J: nami, E: tsunami wave
*namfaro v surf
nar n the letter n/N
nas pcl [converts common noun to proper noun]
nat n Interglossa: nato, E: natal birth
nav n It: nave ship
nd nfx [active participle]
ne modal don't! [negative imperative]
ned being lower than X
nedu pr below, beneath, under
nej n Fr: neige snow
nek denial, negation
nen being located inside of X
nenu pr inside, within (located inside of)
ner being close to X, proximity
neru pr near
net n net, screen, mesh, web
nev num nine
nez admiration
nezo vt admire
nik n practitioner, professional do-er
nil n blueness, blue color
nob n Papiamentu: nobo newness
noba aj new
noc n night
noj n Rus, Croat knife
nok n Norsk: nøkkel key (for use with lock)
nol [no English equivalent]
nolo vt [no English equivalent]
nom num zero, no (not any), none
non av/pfx not; non-, un-
nor n Fr, It, Sw: nord, E: north north (northern area/direction)
not G: Not(wendingkeit) need(ing)
noto vt need, require
nub n Sp, It: nube, L: nubes cloud
nud n nakedness, nudity
nug n OV enough-ness, sufficiency
nuga aj sufficient
nuk n nucleus
numer n numeral, digit (written symbol representing quantity)
nur n E, ISV: neuro- nerve(-cell)
nura aj neural
nus n G: Nuss nut (seed with hard removable shell)
nuµ n agriculture


root gramar
etim meaning
o sfx [transitive verb indicator]
ob sfx [cessative aspect]
oz sfx [intensive aspect; indicates high density / intensity]
oza sfx [allomorph of 'iz']


root gramar
etim meaning
pad n Afrikaans road
pag Sp: pago payment
paj Croat: pažnja attention
pajo vt pay attention to
pak n D: pak, E: pack package, packet, parcel
pal n Korean: p'al arm (shoulder to wrist)
pan n OV Sp,Fr bread
papal n butterfly
paper n G: Papier; Czech, Croat: papir paper
par pr done by (points out the agent of the verb's action)
pas n the past
pat n Sp, It: padre father
pata aj paternal
patat n potato
paz n Sp peace, tranquility
paµ n Voryera unit of weight equal to 80 kilograms
pe av did [past tense indicator]
ped n E: pedi- pedo- e.g. pediatric child
peg n Sp: pegar attachment
pego vt attach, affix
pek n L: pectus, Sp: pecho, E: pectoral chest (of body)
pel pushing (pressing on and causing a thing to move)
pem n pressure
per pfx [creates fractions]
persan num a third
perdek num one tenth
pet n Greek: petra rock, stone
pez n It, Pt: peso, E-o: pezo weight
pezij aj light-weight
pezoj aj heavy
pin a.p. comparison
pino vt compare
pinu pr than, compared to
piper n black pepper (of genus Piper; not Capsicum)
pir n fire (combustion manifested in light and heat)
pis n E: piss, D: pis urine
piv n OV an individual (as opposed to society or some group)
piz num pi (3.14159...)
poc n OV politics
poca aj political
pod n ISV: -pod, E: podiatry foot (on which something stands)
podhov n shoe
pog n D: pogen, Croat: pokušaj attempt, trying to do X
pogo vt try
pokal n Sw, G trophy, cup (as in "World Cup")
pom n Korean spring (the season)
pop n D doll, effigy
pos n Afrikaans mail
posa aj postal
puber n D, L: puber an adolescent, teenager
pud n Czech: pudr, Rus: pudra powder
pug n L: pugnus fist
pun n point (geometry etc.), spot, dot
pup n the letter p/P
pur n E purity (of substance)
put n Sp: putrefaccion decay, rot, putrefaction
puµ n decimal point


root gramar
etim meaning
rab n Rus slave
rac n arrangement
rad n G: Rad wheel
rag n Bengali anger
rago vt be angry at
raj n Hindi: raj, Bengali: raja monarch
rak n Norsk straightness (of line), directness
ram n G: Rahmen, Rus: rama, Czech: ram frame
ran n Croat: ran, Rus: rano earliness
ras n Sw, D race, breed, ethnic group
rat n L: ratio reason(ing), rational thought
rav n Croat: ravan, Rus: rovnay flatness, levelness
raµ n the letter µ
re pr [causee tag]
rec n right, right-hand side or direction, starboard
red n Croat: red, Rus: ryad row, series, line (of objects), queue
rek n E: corRECt, G: korREKt correctness (accuracy/propriety)
rel n relation(ship) (a quality that connects >=2 things)
rem n Norsk, Croat strap (restraining band of material)
ren n Afrikaans: reen rain
rep pfx/n repeating/a repetition, re-
repe av again
rer n the letter r/R
rev n Fr: rêve dream
rez "resultancy" [this Vorlin noun has no English equivalent]
rezo vt result from, stem from (be caused by)
rezu pr because, because of, resulting from, due to, owing to
rib G: Reibung, D: wrijven rubbing
ric n OV wealth
rid n laughter, laughing
rif n letter (sent in mail to someone)
ril n reality, actuality
rila aj real
rip OE reaping, harvest
ripo vt reap, harvest
ris n Rus, Sw, Dan: ris rice
rit writing (drawing glyphs that represent data X)
rito vt write
river n E: river, Fr: riviere river
rod n red color
roda aj red
roman n novel (long work of written fiction)
rot n L turning (rotating/ revolving/ pivoting)
roti vn turn
ruk n D: rug, G: Ruecken back (rear part), dorsal area
run n E: rune character (written), letter (of alphabet), glyph
runset n alphabet (or syllabary) of a language


root gramar
etim meaning
sabun n Croat: sapun, Turkish: sabun soap
sak n E sack, bag
sal n L, Sp, Pt: sal salt
sam dem the same one
samo vt be the same individual as...
san num three
sar n art (skillful production of esthetically pleasing things)
saran n Pali refuge, sanctuary
se cj It if, in the event that..., on condition that...
sed n E: sedentary sitting (being seated)
sedi vn sit
sej n se circumstance, situation, case (set of conditions)
sek L: secare, Interglossa: secto cutting
sen L: sine, Pt: sem lack (state of not having X)
seno vt lack
senu pr without, lacking, not having
ser n series of things, sequence
set n/sfx E: set set (complete set/supply/array of similar items)
sib n sibling (one having the same mother and/or father)
sig pn self, auto-, [reflexive pronoun]
sik n color
sim resemblence, similarity to X
simu pr like
sin n OV muscle, sinew
sinoza aj muscular
sir n Croat: sir, Czech: syr, Rus: sar cheese
sis n system
soc n society
soca aj social (pertaining to society)
sof n Gk wisdom ["sof" meant "sleep" in V1999]
sofa aj wise
sok n sock (soft foot-garment), stocking
sol n state of being "the sole" or "the only" X; singularity
sole av only (exclusively)
som n sleep
somi vn sleep
son n L: sonus, E: sonic sound
sop n Indonesian: sop, Sp, Pt: sopa soup
sus n the letter s/S
suµ n Voryera unit of length equal to 175 centimeters


root gramar
etim meaning
tabul n table (of data, not a table with legs)
tac n G: Tasche pocket
tag n G: Tag, Sw: dag day (24-hour period)
tak n Norsk: takke = thank gratitude, thankfulness
tal n D: taal, Norsk: tale speech, talking
tam n Sp: tambor, Hindi: tamtam drum, percussion instrument
tan dem this, these
tar n delay/ing, postponing, retarding
tas n Turkish: tas, G: Tasse cup
taz num thousand
te scj OV then (at that time / in that case)
tef pertaining to X, being about X, being on the topic of X
tefu pr about (pertaining to; does not mean "approximate")
tek n Gk: technologia technology
tel n Gk: tele distance (as opposed to nearness), farness
*tem n L: tempus, Pt: tempo time, occasion [nowaday: zit]
*teme av times, -fold [nowaday: ker]
*temur n time (the abstract phenomenon; *temur lopi ~= "time flies")
*temfagor chronofage
ten n Chi: tian sky, heaven(s), firmament
tep n rug, carpet, tapestry, any large piece of area-covering fabric
ter n L: terra earth (as opposed to sea or sky/heaven), land
ti pn you (singular)
tid n Norsk period of time, interval, duration
tif n G: Tiefe depth
tifiz aj shallow
tifoz aj deep
tik penetration
tim n E: team team, crew (group of beings sharing work)
tin dem that, those
tip n Rus kind, type, sort (of ...)
tir n lower animal, beast (any animal other than humans)
tiran n tyrant, dictator
tis popn your (singular)
titul n Czech title (name-like reference to book/song/etc.)
tok n Croat, Czech, Rus current, flow, stream(ing)
tom Sp, Pt: tomar taking (rapid/complete/violent acquisition)
tomat n D: tomaat tomato
ton n tone (the pitch and timbre of a sound)
top n E, D: top, Norsk: topp top, summit, peak
tor num six
tub n It: tubo pipe, tube
tuc said in fencing: "touche!" contact, touching
tuco vt touch
tucu vt on (touching)
tug Croat: tuga sorrow, grief
tugo vt grieve about, feel sad about
tuk n G: Tuch a cloth (handy bit of fabric), rag, towel, napkin
tul OV L: ultra exceeding
tulo vt exceed, go beyond
tulu vt beyond
tun dem yonder, that one over there
tur n Croat rump, buttocks, arse/ass
tus n L: tussis, E: tussive cough(ing)
tut n the letter t/T


root gramar
etim meaning
u sfx [forms a preposition]
uc sfx [moderative aspect; having typical amount/number/quantity]


root gramar
etim meaning
vag n L: vagari, E: vagabond wandering (aimless travel)
vagi vn drift, roam, wander
vaj n Rus: vazhnost importance
van n a.p. water
vap n OV weapon
vas n L: vas, Lojban: vasru container, vessel
vat n Turkish: vaat vow, oath, promise
veg n plant (vegetable organism)
ven n Dan: ven, Norsk: venn, Sw: vän friend
ver n L: veritas, Sp: verdadero, E: verity truth, honesty
vev n the letter v/V
vez n star (a point of light in the sky)
veza aj stellar
vid L: videre sight, vision, seeing
vido vt see
vik n Sw: vik bay (an offset body of water)
vil wanting, desire
vilo vt want
vin n wine
*vir n/pfx E: virile, E-o: viro male
virbov n bull
vit n OHG: hwiz whiteness, white color
viv n living (engaging in biological processes)
vod n word
vog n Fr, It vogue, fad, trendy behavior, fashion
vok n L: vox voice
vokal n G, Croat vowel
von n G: wohnen residing/residence, dwelling
vor n compromise between technical and aesthetic criteria


root gramar
etim meaning
wan pr and ["wan" can only combine nouns]
war n Chi: hua1, E: floWER flower, blossom
wat n E, Fr watt (unit of power measurement)
waµ scj and-then [joins 2 sentences, indicates 2nd happens after 1st]
we we [separates surname and given name]
wel wel [relative clause initiator]
wu n the letter w/W
wuhu ij yahoo!, yippee!, hooray!, hoorah!, yay!


root gramar
etim meaning


root gramar
etim meaning
ya pn I, me
yac n Turkish: yash age (duration of existence)
yag G: jagen hunting
yak n G: Jacke jacket (lightweight coat-like garment)
yal a.p. failure to do X / falling short of target X
yan n member (of organization/group/set), citizen (of country)
yar n G: Jahr, D: jaar year
yas popn my
yer n Basque: herri = people, land nation, country (state)
yi n the letter y/Y
yo vopcl hey, oh ..., yo [vocative particle]
yug n L: iugulum, E: jugular throat
yuk n G: jucken itching sensation
yun num E: unity, unit, unite, unify one, 1
yuwem num one and a half, 1.5


root gramar
etim meaning
zad n D: zaad seed
zak n D affair, matter, concern, thing (intangible/abstract)
zan n Tang-era Chinese meditation
zat G: ersetzen, Ersatz replacing, substitution
zatu pr instead of, rather than
ze pr [specifier flag / apposition preventer]
zed n E: cede, E-o: cedi surrender, submission
zeg n segment (a major and self-evident subdivision), section
zel E: sell sale, vending
zev n Turkish: zevk pleasure (good sensations)
zez n the letter z/Z
zib num seven
zik n G: Sieg victory, winning
zil n E: zeal, Gk: zilos zeal, ardour, enthusiasm
zim n OV -ism, ideology, belief system
zin n G: Sinn, D: zin meaning, sense (of a word etc)
zit n time (the continuum / abstract phenomenon)
zomer n summer (hottest season)
zon n G: Sonne, D: zon sun
zona aj solar
zor G: Sorge, D: zorg care, concern, solicitude
zoro vt care about the well-being of X
zov Rus, Croat call(ing), sound/signal to attract attention
zubon n J pants, trousers, slacks
zud n G: Süd, D: zuiden south (southern area / direction)
zuk D: zoeken, G: suchen search(ing for ...), seeking
zuker n G: Zucker sugar
zur n acid
zuz n buzzing sound
µ ij well, hmm, um, er

proper nouns[]

proper nouns
root gramar
etim meaning
Afrik prop Africa
Firat prop Turkish Euphrates River
Juµ prop Chinese culture/ethnicity (note: difficult to define)
Nihon prop Japan
Rom prop Rome (the city or the ancient empire)
Rus prop Russian ethnicity/culture
Urop prop Europe
Venus prop Venus (planet/goddess)
Vorlin prop compound by roots
vor and lin
Yovis prop Jupiter (planet/god)
Yuwes prop United States of America

morphemes below need to be replaced or approved[]

root gramar
etim meaning
cam dem every, each
maten n Haitian Creole morning (dawn to noon)
motor n motor
polis n police
ramen n Czech: rameno, Croat: rame shoulder
zahid n Indo hermit
zavod n Rus, Croat factory, works (as in "waterworks")
od sfx [augmentative]