
WIV uses the Chinese wúxìng system of associations and metaphor used in their traditional medicine and metaphysics. The aim is to go beyond the randomness of phonetic shape found in their and all natlang words. WIV is meant to be a foundation for an extensive system of mnemonics that can aid in more than just help in acquiring a vocabulary. It could, perhaps, lead to an acquisition of synesthesia, memory triggers.

WIV, Wuxing Inspired Vocabulary
Head direction
Tonal No
Declensions No
Conjugations No
Nouns decline according to...
Case Number
Definiteness Gender
Verbs conjugate according to...
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect
Progress 0%
Nouns 0%
Verbs 0%
Adjectives 0%
Syntax 0%
Words ? of 1500
Creator Venndying


Studies say that learning by categories can make learning the members 40% more difficult. One of the best ways to learn new words and items is to make the associations odd, even surreal.

These associations are as good as random, as are the phonetic shape of words in a natlang. But what if the phonetic shape was suggestive of threads that run through the widest range of associations. They would have in-built paths constructed by millennia of observation, metaphor and intuition. The learner would have an easier path of suggestion for arriving at odd and even surreal associations that are original to themself. They would open their eyes to new observations, have their own understanding of metaphor, and develop an intuition for how the wuxing system works. The easier it is to remember by association, the more it encourages exploration and a larger vocabulary, making it an entertainment.

And, oh, yes, arguing with wuxing is also a learning device.


WIV uses a system of hexads to join members of a category.

Hexad 1: [p b t d k g]; Hexad 2: [f v s z x r]; Hexad 3: [m n q w l j]

The long-term advantage of a system like this is that over time, as the meanings get shuffled away from their original meaning through the various processes the change one language into daughter language(s), those that had once been similar would stay dissimilar to the casual user. But the etymology of the proto-vocabulary would be there to discovered and reused in more or less its intended form. WIV could become a '"living" dead language, like Sanskrit or Latin.

WIV prefers not to use consonant clusters. But a Hexad 4 could be brought into WIV with /tʃ dʒ ʃ ʒ ɲ ʎ/. Then they will have to be considered phonemes in their own right.


WIV prefers monosyllables for the most frequent words, especially if they are content words that can also be used (with a low probability of mishearing or misunderstanding) as noncontent words.

Beyond this is the battle between monosyllables and bisyllables. WIV does not prefer words distinguished by tone or pitch as it wishes to reserve those for intonation and sentence structuring. A possible advantage of polysyllables is it allows fewer and easier to produce phonemes, phonemes more recognizable across languages and distinct from each other. But English and Chinese are highly monosyllabic and those are the two starting languages of WIV. Isolating/analytic languages seem to encourage simpler, less complicated morphology with content words being able to be used as nonconented words or more easily change their parts of speech.

WIV also prefers a syllable codas to be a vowel of one of the resonants [m n q l (w j)]. As they can hold onto a vowel and ever be syllabic in their own right, this allows for extended uses of intonation and other paralingual features. Next in preference are the (af)fricatives as they, too, are capable of carrying a tone and other non-phonemic features. Plosives, because they can't, could be used when that counter-tone feature has a use.


Assigning consonants[]

They key to using wuxing as a vocabulary builder are the vowels: A I U E O. Each represents one of the 5 'Elements;, Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. And they are what mark the different members of each of the categories. A 6th vowel, Æ, can be used to mark a category as whole.

In choosing the consonants for the different categories, only decide if it is best represented by a plosive (Hexad 1) , fricative (Hexad 2) or resonant (Hexad 3).

All that remains is the ordering of the categories. Accept the order listed below or come up with a more satisfying order. After that it is just systematically adding the codas nil, Ø, m, n, q, l (w, j) in sequence. Then, for example, Category 1 has the pattern of PÆ, BAM, TIN, DUQ, KEL. GOR. Category 2: PÆM, BIN, TUQ, DEL, KOR, GO, etc.

[w j] may end up substituting for two of the [m n q l] coda group. But if they aren't, they can be used as affixes. Recommended: Extending a category beyond the 5-member divisions. For example: Venus could have one of the standard codas, while Uranus could have [w] or [j] ; Friday, standard, Monday, special.s

When PÆ is repeated, then start the next round of consonant selection begin with BÆ, TAM, DIN, KEQ, GOL, PUR. When a second BÆ would result, begin the next round with TÆ, DAM, KUN, etc. And continue moving down the line of Hexad's members.

Making sure every word in a category has both a different initial and coda helps to insure that they are not misheard and confused with one another. A words that could be misheard are less likely to lead to confusing as they are usually found in different contexts.

This allows for 648 (or 864 with [w j]) monosyllabic words. All of the most frequent words should use these. If and when more words are wished for, then they may be re-used as homophones, as long as there would be little confusion when in a proper context. Mnemonics would recommend that homophones be divided between concrete and more abstract references, Say, for example, "Mars" not be paired up with any word commonly used in astronomy. But "soap" is less likely to be an ambiguous twin.

Consonant Effects[]

The plosives are abrupt and sudden, allowing them to seem more energetic or forceful. But that has to do with their placement. In the middle, they can suspend what came before but then release it, making it seem like a connection. /k > g > t > d > p > b/: most to least forceful. /b > d > g) are more connective as evidenced by plosives between vowels tend to be made voiced.

The nasals are counterparts of the plosives, gentle, muffled versions that allow them to be seen connections as they are the open versions and more spacious. (Muffled, too, in that vibrate the face above the mouth.) /ŋ > m/ softness, gentle, and dark; /n/ bright, clear.

The liquids also counterparts of plosives and can be seen as connections, ones that that flow smoothly like a liquid, and, so can seem more sophisticated, even elegant.

The fricatives can be shrill and break through a clutter of other phones and sounds. The scare from most to least is /ʃ > ʒ > R G . s z > x ɣ > f v/. Among other things, this recommends them for use when getting attention is important. /ʃ/ could be used to mark the focus of a sentence (with, perhaps, marking its topic?).

The fricatives can also get noticed, but for different reasons, reasons that are basically opposite of each other. /ʃ > ʒ > R G/'s high hissing can make them seem more harsh or aggressive, and a threat or danger, versus [s z > f v]'s low hissing can make them seem gentle or soft by comparison, gentle or soft, implying suspense or mystery. Also, piercing vs smooth. However, the different fricative effects are best heard when they stand alone without a vowel or before the vowel.

The glides are gentle or soft without being hissing, and more smooth in their flowing. /w > j/: most to least gentling. But can make harsh sounds harsher.

NOTE, (' _ ') means it is my own interpretation. [ _ ] means this is my own suggestion.

Wuxing Tables[]

Phase WOOD, gas FIRE, plasma EARTH, change METAL, solid WATER, liquid _?_
Referential Direction left (hand) front reference right (hand) back m
Direction East South Center West North _?_
Planet Jupiter, Pluto Mars Saturn, Uranus Venus, Neptune Mercury m
Day Thursday Tuesday, Sunday Saturday Friday, Monday Wednesday f
Time of Day Morning Noon Afternoon Evening Night m
Seson (Year) Spring (Equinox) Summer (Solstice) change (mid-year) Autumn (Equinox) Winter (Sokstice) f
Conditions wind heat damp, clear dry cool(ness _?_
grow(th swell(ing stablize harvest(ing retreat(ing _?_
vital(izing flourish(ing level(ing collect(ing still(ing _?_
Move(-in-place) moving expand(ing spin(ning contract(ing stay(ing p
Color green, purple red blue, yellow gray, white black _?_
Shape rectangle [cross] angular [triangle, star] square round undulating _?_
Mental Quality spontaneity, intensity; idealism passion, curiosity agreeableness,; honesty minded; rationalism resourceful; witty, erudite _?_
Virtues Benevolence (ren) propriety (li) Fidelity, honest (xin) Righteousness (yi) wisdom (zhi) _?_
Vocalization call(ing, shout(ing ? sing(ing cry(ing groan(ing _?_
Emotion happy, kindness, calm(ing; anger resolve, hate joy, peace,; worry, anxiety, obsession laugh(ing, appreciation, bravery, grief gentleness, gratitude, passion; fear _?_
Life Stage early child(hood pre-pubescent adulescent adult(hood old age; conception _?_
Yin Organs liver heart, precardium spleen, pancreas lung kidney, reproductive
Yang Organs gall blader small intestine stomach large intestine urinary blader _?_
Sensory Organ (facial) eye tongue mouth nose ear _?_
Taste sour bitter sweet pungent, umami salty f
Smell rancid scorched fragrant rotten putrid _?_
Covering scaly feathery naked, body hair fur shell _?_
Body Part tendon, ligament; nerve blood vessels, pulse muscle bone, marrow, teeth; (head) hair skin; (body) hair _?_
Body Fluid tear sweat saliva mucus urine _?_
Finger index middle thumb ring little _?_
Relative Directions left forward center(ed), ballance(d) right backward _?_
Attack crush pound cross split drill _?_


parent; child ruler; minister spouse; spouse friend; friend elder; younger _?_
Punishments detention; mutilation fine; tattoo exile; maiming death (penalty), execution life exile; castration _?_
Poisonous animals toad snake lizard centipede scorpion _?_
Domestic animals dog sheep, goat cattle, ox chicken, rooster, [fowl] pig _?_
Legendaey animals Dragon (sea snake) Phoenix; cauldron [mage] Tiger Turtle _?_
other animals rabbit horse goat? monkey (turtle) rat _?_
Grains rice barley, wheat millet beans corm _?_
Metal copper iron gold, platinum tin silver _?_
Spirit individuality soul (hun); mana mind ('worldly soul', 'ego') spirit ('separate from an individual') bodily soul (po); [kami] will _?_
I Ching thunder, wind ('weather') fire mountain, field heaven, lake ('body of water') water ('river, flowing') _?_




A| air, sound, minerals, mana, ink, acid, mind, rubber, paper, static, wax, plywood, health,, Breath, soul
I| visible light, soap, thermal radiation, uv rays, rust, bleach, ir beams, burn, blaze, oil, glass, mass, clay
U| granular, particles, rock, carbon, dust, sand, energy, powder, space, sugar, smoke, gems, ash, gravity, earthquakes
E| malleable,, holy water, snow, ice, frost, alloys, forge, nimbus clouds, ether, milk
O| flow, the sea, vegetation, electrical currents, storms, rain, steam, fluid, mud, slime, sludge, time, pressure, glass mirror, shadows


Narrative Referents Minor Relevance, he, she, him, her Target: 2p - you Speaker; 1p - I, me Third Party; 3p - he, she, him, her Blank; Xp - one, you, they _?_
Grammar Case → Referencer Placeholder; 0p - it, there Direct Object, Complement Subject, Reflexive Topic Empty Slot, Null _?_
Domain Sentence Adverb Pragmatic Modifier Alienable Meta _?_
Mechanic Parser Intonation Degree Bracket Ad hoc _?_
Semantic Levels Metaphoric Fictional Functional Symbolic Mnemonic _?_
Adposition away, from in, 3d between, back-and-forth at, to,1d on, 2d _?_
Formula, Outline List: Ad hoc Count, Series Code, Key List: Ordinal Power of _?_